A List Of Interesting Cause And Effect Essay Topics For 3rd Graders

Cause and effect essay writing helps 3rd graders develop their critical thinking, writing, and analytical skills. They learn how to identify the reasons, describe the effects, and compose a solid conclusion. Teachers often spend a plenty of time explaining how to structure the assignment, how to organize it, and what formatting style to use. However, they often don’t give a list of sample topics, so students have trouble coming up with interesting topics.

The easiest way to get started is to find sample cause and effects essay topic ideas and customize the topic you like the most. The 3rd grade students can use the following list of topics:

  1. What do you think causes earthquakes?
  2. Why do you use a computer for studying?
  3. Is doing sports good for health and mood?
  4. The causes and effects of tree cutting.
  5. Why do people learn math?
  6. Why do you take care of a pet?
  7. Is there a reason why some individuals are more optimistic, compared to others?
  8. Why do some teenagers refuse having bracers on their teeth?
  9. The effects of smoking on human health.
  10. What causes dangerous diseases in African countries?
  11. Why do people need to visit doctors frequently?
  12. What are the reasons for video game addiction?
  13. Why do plains fly?
  14. Why do some people steal belongings of others?
  15. What are the causes of military conflicts?
  16. How do people become successful?
  17. What will be if you drop school?
  18. What are the negative effects of watching too many TV shows?
  19. For what possible reasons, do girls wear too much makeup?
  20. Why do teenagers spend too much time with their cell phones?
  21. What makes comics so popular?
  22. Do you afraid eating genetically modified food, and why?
  23. For what reasons, can the Internet be dangerous?
  24. What are the main causes of allergy?
  25. Why do some people hate family vacations?

There are many topics that students can choose from. You can brainstorm ideas for the paper with your friends. This is fun and helps develop interesting and easy topics to write about. However, it’s a good idea to consult your teacher or parents before start to work on the assignment. After selecting a study idea, it makes sense to prepare a short outline where the main reasons and consequences are listed, along with examples and details.

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